1973 Bible and Spade Back Issues
Four issues of BIBLE and SPADE produced in 1973. Order all four at a discount! Issues listed with an *asterisk* are available as photocopies.
*Autumn 1973*
Pioneering With Paul, Part II - The Uniqueness of Chistianity - High State Officials Under David and Solomon - Yigael Yadin Completes Study of 2,000 Year-Old Scroll
*Summer 1973*
Pioneering With Paul, Part I - The Practice of Writing in Ancient Israel - '‘Ai' Ain't Ai!' - Jar Handles Tell a Story
*Spring 1973*
Abraham as Archaeology Knows Him, Part II - Caesarea - City of the Apostles - Those Dead Sea Scroll Fragments and Mark - Helps For Bible Students
*Winter 1973*
Abraham as Archaeology Knows Him, Part I - Excavations at Babylon - Debir - A Puzzle Solved - Arafat Unfriendly to Ark Searchers