1991 Bible and Spade Back Issues
Four issues of BIBLE and SPADE produced in 1991. Order all four at a discount! Issues listed with an *asterisk* are available as photocopies.
Autumn 1991
Origin of Life: Design or Chance? - Recent Discoveries and the Conquest - Ancient Harbors Around the Sea of Galilee - Who's Who in Archaeology: William Henry Breasted
Summer 1991
Daniel and the Lion of Babylon - Israelite Kings in Assyrian Inscriptions - A Man and His Cloak - Dead Sea Scrolls Update
Spring 1991
An Object From Solomon's Temple - Assyrian Kings in the Bible - Anti-Creationists Speak Up - Our Answer - Daniel and His Friends
Winter 1991
Plagues vs. the Gods of Egypt - Mount St. Helens: Geological Laboratory - Weapons of Warfare in Biblical Times - Important Recent Archaeological Finds