1977 Bible and Spade Back Issues
Four issues of BIBLE and SPADE produced in 1977. Order all four at a discount! Issues listed with an *asterisk* are available as photocopies.
*Autumn 1977*
The Infant Massacre - History or Myth - The Samaritans - A Living link With the Past, Part II - The Perils of Pergamum - Excavations in the Church of the Holy Sepulchre
*Summer 1977*
Adam in Ancient Mesopotamian Traditions - The Samaritans - A Living Link With the Past, Part I - Paul and the Athenians - Ararat ‘Ark' Wood dated at AD 700
*Spring 1977*
The Generations of Genesis - ‘Crucify Him, Crucify Him' and the Temple - With the Rich in His Death - Temple Scroll Soon to be Published
*Winter 1977*
More and More, Scripture Lives - Bible Aids Archaeologist in Interpreting Beer-Sheba Discovery - Oldest Hebrew Writing Found - Sodom and Gomorrah Update