100 Old Testament Quotes by Jesus: How Christ Used the Hebrew Scriptures Pamphlet
100 Old Testament Quotes by Jesus: How Christ Used the Hebrew Scriptures Pamphlet
Associates for Biblical Research

100 Old Testament Quotes by Jesus: How Christ Used the Hebrew Scriptures Pamphlet

Regular price $4.50

100 Old Testament Quotes by Jesus: How Christ Used the Hebrew Scriptures Pamphlet

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Our Price$3.75
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Our Price$3.75
Retail: $4.99

Product Description

Jesus frequently quoted the Old Testament prophets to reveal to his disciples who he was and what would happen in the last days. He used words and concepts from the Hebrew Scriptures that his Jewish audience would have been very familiar with. He referred to Old Testament people such as Noah, David, and the queen of Sheba and to stories like the manna in the wilderness and Jonah in the great fish.

In this colorful foldout pamphlet, you can see 100 times when Jesus used the Old Testament in his teachings. With both Old and New Testament references side by side, this glossy chart compares Old Testament Scriptures with how Christ used them to teach his followers in the New Testament. 5.5 inches x 8.5 inches.

Product Information

Title: 100 Old Testament Quotes by Jesus: How Christ Used the Hebrew Scriptures Pamphlet
Format: Other, N/A
Vendor: Rose Publishing
Publication Date: 2022
Dimensions: 8.5 X 5.25 (inches