Running the Rapids With Dr. Albert Mohler DVD
This talk was originally presented to pastors, but it is must-viewing for parents of youth of all ages!
We fool ourselves if we think we can protect them from all that's coming. We can't. We have to get them ready for it!
Do our young people know what they must know in order not to give up the faith, not to surrender the truth, not to become pagans? In Running the Rapids, Dr. Albert Mohler combines the intriguing word picture of a boat trying to successfully navigate heavy rapids with numerous stories of modern issues faced by today's students. That includes issues many of us have never even heard of, such as; social location, radical pluralization, cognitive bargaining, intellectual coercion, moral reasoning, secular social conformation strategies, the impact of public schools, the unbiblical concept of adolescence, and more. This talk was originally presented to pastors, but it is must-viewing for parents of youth of all ages!
60 minute DVD