2004 Bible and Spade Back Issues
Fall 2004
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The Bible According to Karnak - Papyrus in Ancient Egypt and the Bible - History Unearthed - Gods, Gold and the Glory of Phillipi - Great Discoveries in Biblical Archaeology: The Rosetta Stone and the Law Code of Hammurabi
Summer 2004
Egypt and the Bible - Red Algae Theories of the Plagues, Part 3 - Archaeology: Biblical Ally or Adversary? - Great Discoveries in Bible Archaeology: The Amarna Tablets and the Merneptah Stela
Spring 2004
The Duration of the Israelite Sojourn in Egypt - The Royal Precinct at Rameses - Historical Synchronisms and the Date of the Exodus - Going for the Gold!
Winter 2004
Cultural Change and the Confusion of Language in Ancient Sumer - In Search of Ancient Famines - Red Algae Theories of the Plague, Part 2 - Joshua's Long Day and Mesopotamian Celestial Omen Texts - Great Discoveries in Biblical Archaeology: The Atra-Hasis Epic and the Gilgamesh Epic