Khirbet Nisya - The Search for Biblical Ai, 1979-2002 PDF Files ONLY
ABR founder Dr. David Livingston's report on his many years directing the excavation at Khirbet Nisya, Israel. Features 40 pages of color photos and 29 pottery plates, totaling more than 150 photographs and plans. Excavation periods covered include Middle and Late Bronze, Iron I and II, Persian, Hellenistic, Early Roman, Early and Late Byzantine and Islamic. Enigmatic cuttings in bedrock, coins of Khirbet Nisya, and objects uncovered from all dig seasons are detailed. Historical and Biblical studies include: The Identfication and Location of Biblical Ai; Israel's Origins; Why Use Stone Vessels and Mikvaot?; and Olive Oil Production and Use in Antiquity. Appendixes feature Staff and Volunteers for All Seasons; Correspondence with J. Kelso and W.F. Albright; Locus Summaries; and Bibliography. A beautiful book that gives one a feel for being in the field.
David Livingston, Privately Published
Hardcover, 310 pages
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