Digging Deeper into the Word: The Relevance of Archaeology to Christian Apologetics
In the classical tradition of apologetics relating to the proof for the inspiration of the Bible, appeal is made to what are called external and internal evidences. External evidences are confirmatory in nature while internal evidences possess a primary significance in demonstrating the Bible to be of divine origin.
In harmony with the awareness of the classical apologetical distinction between external and internal evidences, and how the science of archaeology is relevant to apologetics through its confirmatory value, Professor Dale W. Manor and Warren Apologetics Center have partnered in the publication of this book.
Dr. Manor's expertise and scholarship in archaeology are recognized and respected by many. This, in conjunction with his respect for, and faith in, the biblical text evidences why we believe this book he has authored is of significant value and worthy of great circulation and careful study.
Level: Layman
Softcover, 114 pages