2010 Bible and Spade Back Issues
Fall 2010 We Hear You! - Two Ancient Sumerian Tablets Saying NO-O-O-O to Paganism - The Influence of the Ancient Near East on the Book of Genesis - An Army of Straw Men: Responding to Ronald Hendel - The Domestication of the Camel in the Ancient Near East - The Great Isaiah Scroll and the Original Bible: An Interview with Dr. Peter Flint
Summer 2010 The Bible and Life: Big Questions…Important Answers - We Hear You! - The Sea of Galilee: An Overview - Jesus Speaks to Seven of His Churches: Part 2 - Skeletons on the Table - Christian Damascus
Spring 2010 Editorial - We Hear You! - Megiddo: The Place of Battles - The Arch of Titus and the Olive Tree of Romans 11 - Jesus Speak to Seven of His Churches: Part I
Winter 2010 What's So Important About Inerrancy? - Digging into the Documents and the Attempted Hijacking of Paradise - The Role of the Septuagint in the Transmission of the Scriptures - Jesus Christ on the Inerrancy of Scripture - Inspiration: The Oracles of God - Tota Scriptura