2014 Bible and Spade Back Issues
Issues listed with an *asterisk* are available only as copies.
*Fall 2014*
The original print version of this magazine is no longer available. Those still interested in ordering a physical copy will receive a paper photocopy only. To purchase a digital version of the magazine please click here. Free domestic economy shipping applies unless ordered with other ABR bookstore products. Editorial: Archaeology On The Ground- We Hear You! - Have We Walked in the Footsteps of Jesus? Exciting New Possibilities at Khirbet el-Maqatir - Of Joshua and Jesus: Remarkable Reflections from Khirbet el-Maqatir - Joshua's Lost Conquest - God's Judgment Revealed at Three Cities - The Lesson of the Lamp - Bibliography for God's Judgment Revealed at Three Cities in PDF Format.
Summer 2014 Editorial - We Hear You! - Crucifixion: Origins and History - How Jesus Became God: A Book Review - How the Moabite Stone Corroborates a Prophecy in Genesis - Why Did the Jews and Samaritans Hate Each Other? - The Shifting Sands of OT Criticism - Another Cup of Coffee - Without Excuse: A Book Review
Spring 2014 Editorial- We Hear You! - Nineveh's Impossible Repentance - How Beautiful are the Feet on the Via Egnatia - The Historical Reliability of the New Testament - Beware of Philosophy- Ai and OT Chronology: Who Cares?
Winter 2014 Editorial: Dr. David Livingston: A Vision, A Legacy and A Calling to Fulfill - We Hear You! - Recent Archaeological Discoveries that Lend Credence to the Historicity of Scripture - Home Cooking: Old Testament Israelite Style - Update on Discoveries in 2013 - Erastus: Salt and Light in the Government of Corinth - Endnotes for Recent Archaeological Discoveries in PDF Format.