Four issues of BIBLE and SPADE produced in 2006

2006 Bible and Spade Back Issues

Regular price $6.00

 Issues listed with an *asterisk* are available only as copies.

*Fall 2006*
The original print version of this magazine is no longer available. Those still interested in ordering a physical copy will receive a paper photocopy only. To purchase a digital version of the magazine please click here. Free domestic economy shipping applies unless ordered with other ABR bookstore products. The Genesis Flood: An Interpretative Key to the Past- Mount Cudi: The True Mountain of Noah's Ark - Wood Remains from the Landing Site of Noah's Ark Nearly 6500 Years Old - The Case for Ararat - Why Not Nabatea? The Flight of Joseph's Family from Bethlehem to Egypt and Migration to the Town of Nazareth in Galilee

Summer 2006 
Love God with all your Mind! - Biblical Connections at Tell Ta 'yinat, Turkey - Propoganda, Power and Perversion of Biblical Truth: Coins Illustrating the Book of Revelation - Local References in the Letter to Smyrna (Rev 2:8-11) Part IV: Religious Background

Spring 2006
New Evidence from Egypt on the Location of the Exodus Sea Crossing, Part II- Local References in the Letter to Smyrna (Rev. 2:8-11), Part III: Jews in Smyrna - Ezekiel 26:1-14. A Proof Text for Inerrancy or Fallibility of the Old Testament - The Blessing of the Silver Scrolls

Winter 2006
The original print version of this magazine is no longer available. Those still interested in ordering a physical copy will receive a paper photocopy only. To purchase a digital version of the magazine please click here. Free domestic economy shipping applies unless ordered with other ABR bookstore products. The Wealth and Power of the Biblical Patriarchs- New Evidence from Egypt on the Location of the Exodus Sea Crossing, Part I - Local References in the Letter to Smyrna (Rev. 2:8-11), Part II: Historical Background

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