Associates for Biblical Research
Pop ologetics
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It's everywhere . . . all around us . . . so widespread it's almost part of the air we breathe. Some people love it, some people hate it, and some try to shrug it off or pretend it's not there. But, like it or not, notice it or not, popular culture plays a huge role in our day-to-day lives, often influencing the way we think and see the world.
Some people respond by trying to pull away from pop culture altogether, and some accept it without question as a blessing. But Ted Turnau reminds us that the issue is not so black-and white. Popular culture, like any other facet of society, is a messy mixture of both grace and idolatry, and it deserves our serious attention and discernment.
Learn how to approach popular culture wisely, separating its gems of grace from its temptations toward idolatry, and practice some popologetics to be an influence of your own
Some people respond by trying to pull away from pop culture altogether, and some accept it without question as a blessing. But Ted Turnau reminds us that the issue is not so black-and white. Popular culture, like any other facet of society, is a messy mixture of both grace and idolatry, and it deserves our serious attention and discernment.
Learn how to approach popular culture wisely, separating its gems of grace from its temptations toward idolatry, and practice some popologetics to be an influence of your own