1995 Bible and Spade Back Issues
Four issues of BIBLE and SPADE produced in 1995. Order all four at a discount! Issues listed with an *asterisk* are available as photocopies.
Autumn 1995
Tomb and Teeth: A Dentist's View of Ancient Israelis - Tell el-'Umeiri - Jerusalem 3000 - A Capital Idea? - Bible Personages in Archaeology: Balaam, Son of Beor
Summer 1995
The Ark of the Covenant: Alive and Well in Ethiopia? - The Ark of the Covenant: Moses' Secret Weapon - Harold Camping's Bible Chronology - Crisis in Evolutionary Cosmology - Bible Personages in Archaeology: Jabin, King of Hazar
Spring 1995
The Tabernacle: A Bronze Age Artifact - Re-examining the Late Bronze Era - Bible Personages in Archaeology: Serug, Nahor and Terah - The Shroud of Turin: Evidence for the Resurrection?
Winter 1995
The Hittites of Anatolia - The Archives of Hattusas - Biblical Chronologies Compared