1996 Bible and Spade Back Issues
*Autumn 1996*
Cracks in the Evolutionary Facade - Genesis and Ancient Near East Stories of Creation and Flood: Part 4 - Bible Personages in Archaeology: Ahab the Israelite - The Bible, Archaeology and the Study of Military Affairs
Summer 1996
Fossils in Your Family Tree - Genesis and Ancient Near East Stories of Creation and Flood: Part 3 - The Mesopatamian Background of the Tower of Babel and Its Implications
*Spring 1996*
Genesis and Ancient Near East Stories of Creation and Flood: Part 2 - The Lost Ark is Still Lost - But Now We Know Where Its Been! - Paul's Travels Through Cyprus (Acts 13:4-12) - Bible Personages in Archaeology: Mesha, King of Moab
Winter 1996
What is Man? - Genesis and Ancient Near East Stories of Creation and Flood: An Introduction, Part 1 - The Historicity of the Joseph Story - Bible Personages in Archaeology: Shishak, King of Egypt